“The Yearning of the Bridgegroom” by Abazgrl –

God‘s desire for our worship is not the craving of an egotistical king, nor the demand of a celestial power broker. Rather, it is the yearning of a Bridegroom who wants us more than our deepest need to be wanted. This is what Steve Fry wrote on page 32 of his book Rekindled Flame: The Passionate Pursuit of God.

When I read it I was forever jolted. I want to be wanted. I want to be needed. Hence, I developed a co-dependent nature very early on in my life. I wanted people to like me. I wanted people to know that I was a good person, a good wife. I wanted them to need me, so I made all kinds of wrong choices hoping that people would need and want me. Thank God, I came face to face with the reality of my co-dependency being sourced by the enemy as a tool to keep me bound to people apart from my relationship with God.

As much as I wanted to be wanted and needed, the above quote by Fry seems to suggest that there is a deeper need beyond what I have even acknowledged. This need is so deeply entrenched in every fiber of my being. I need to be wanted and only God can fill that deep, unspoken, unrealized need the I have for Him. Thank you, Abba. I feel so safe giving that deep, vulnerable essence of me to You, Abba. You will never exploit it. As a matter of my fact, it is for my good to give it to You.  And it is so wonderful to know that I do not have to be motivated by seeking favor from people but just receiving the favor of a God who thinks I am amazing! Nice!

This is how Fry rounds off his thought: “A Lover whose pleasure is to give Himself away, and who has designed us to be like Himself–finding pleasure in giving ourselves away. But before we can give ourselves to others, we need to give ourselves to God by worshipping Him. And it is only as we give ourselves away in abandoned worship that we can ever know this God who gives Himself away.” AWESOME!

Enjoy this video of a song by Alberto & Kimberly Rivera with signing by Rachel Laughton, entitled “Royalty.” That’s how God considers us! After all, we are going to marry the King! Hallelujah!