by Juanita Weiss
I read a blog in which a Jewish believer said that Gentiles should rejoice that the Jewish leaders rejected Yeshua, for that is how Gentiles were grafted in (as if that would be the only way OR if it were the original way). Here is his quote:

Although I understand his point, I must say that it actually does not fill me with joy that I was allowed to partake of the promises of Abraham and of life in Yeshua BECAUSE the religious leaders failed to laud their King as King,  to worship their G-d as YHVH, OR failed to pay homage to their LORD as ADONAI!

Am I grateful that I was grafted in? I most certainly am!

Am I delighted to be of Abraham’s seed — a part of the cultivated olive tree? You bet I am!

YHVH had a plan — it was that the Jewish people would be a light to the nations and thereby they would point the Gentiles in the direction of the One, True G-d! Our current scenario has come out of their disobedience, not their obedience.

I do rejoice that I am a joint-heir with Messiah, but I do not rejoice in Israel’s disobedience! I am not rejoicing in their disobedience, even though their disobedience was good for me. YHVH in His omniscience knew that Israel would sin, so like a computer with its “backspace,” “delete,” “copy,” “paste,” and “undo” features, YHVH made it so that none of His original plans would be foiled. He made “another” way to reach the Gentiles out of the “same” way — His people!

I wish the religious leaders of Yeshua’s day HAD worshipped Him . . . because that’s the kind of worship Yeshua is deserving of! — the worship of wizened sages who poured themselves into a study of Torah, who understood signs (“otot”) and seasons (“moedim”), who understood numerology (“gematria”) and prophecy (“navua”), who understood the restoration of the world (“tikkun olam”) and the world to come (“olam haba”)! Yeshua was deserving of their worship!

You probably would not have been born if they had been obedient, some might say.

My responses: Do you know of any soul who has not been conceived that longs for birth?Whether or not I am here has nothing to do with those who are born giving Him the praise He deserves.

So YHVH says to them, “Since the Gentiles could not come in through your obedience, then I will bring them in through your disobedience” (Romans 11 paraphrased).

That is no cause to thank you, my Jewish friend, for your disobedience; it’s cause to thank Him for His grace (“chesed”)! For that, Father, I am grateful! Not even those that you have chosen could foil your plan for me.

I rejoice in the day ALL Israel shall be saved! You, Father, are deserving of the praise of the Apple of Your eye, your Treasured Possession. Not even the disobedience of the Gentiles will spoil your plan for them and for you to be worshipped!

What will excite me?

I will be thoroughly excited over the day that Israel eulogizes her Brother-King — Yeshua Messiah and say, “Baruch haBa B’Shem Adonai — Blessed is He Who Comes in the Name of the Lord!”

In THAT, I rejoice!!!

Supreme Court Decision: A Reflection

God stood in front of Abraham. (Genesis 18)

“Can I do in Sodom what I am about to do and not tell Abraham?” He reasons.

The answer is a resounding “No!”

How do I know?

Because Abraham began to intercede for Sodom. Abraham connected with Adonai’s heart and began to intercede.  “If I can find 50 righteous in the city, will you save Sodom?” Abraham asked God.

God agreed. After Abraham goes from 50, to 30, t0 20, down to 10, “the LORD went his way” (Gen. 18:33); and needless to say the cites of Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed because there were not even ten righteous people in them.

Well, He says today: “Can I do in  America what I am about to do and not tell my Faithful?”
The answer is still a resounding “No!”

As He stands in our presence, can we connect with Adonai’s heart?

  • Do we believe God’s Word over the word of Supreme Court judges?
  • Do we get depressed over their ruling on gay marriage or do we allow the Holy Spirit to motivate us to advance the Kingdom?
  • Do we sit and watch the news & listen to all the talking heads or do we get in the Word of God and seek His truth!
  • Do we realize that Biblical truth has nothing to do with political correctness!? Political correctness does not abrogate God’s commands.
  • Do we realize that the Kingdom of this World is totally opposite from the Kingdom of Darkness?
  • Do we beseech the Lord for our nation the way Abraham invoked the Lord for Sodom?

What did Abraham do?

  1. He drew near to God. (Genesis 18:23) Draw near, beloved!
  2. He persistently and steadily interceded. (Genesis 18:24-31) Pray without ceasing, saints.
  3. In fearful deference to the Almighty, he asked God to spare Sodom. (Genesis 18:30) Ask, favored ones.

Will we dare to let our lights shine brighter in a perverse world?

Will we apprehend God the way Abraham did: knowing that God will indeed destroy a city because of the wicked … BUT he will save a nation because of the righteous!

And when “He goes on His way” we will know that we have done as his love has mandated.