If I am traveling, seldom do I think about enjoying the journey. My sights are set upon the destination — the friends that I will see at the end; the majestic mountains that I will behold; the beaches that will be as blue and  as clear as the sky. The trip there by car will be long and the flight will be bumpy and claustrophobic. Yet, our God calls us to enjoy the trip. How do I know? Well, he gave us an example. After creating each day’s wonders, he sat back, enjoyed it, and said it was good. Was He looking toward the finished work on the 6th day? No doubt. But He was enjoying the journey that would take Him there.

Think about Apostle Paul. Most of his letters were penned while he traveled by boat between various places of ministry or, at best, while he sat in house arrest or in the dungeon of a Roman prison. Could it be that God even allowed the prison stays just so his spirit could be at rest? And look at what came out of those moments of rest! Letters — depths of wisdom, and reveries of love for His God — that we may not have received had Paul not learned to enjoy the journey.

Here is an example of what he writes from being confined within a house with guards around the clock: “Yes, I will continue to rejoice, for I know that through your prayers and the help given by the Spirit of Jesus Christ, what has happened to me will turn out for my deliverance” (Philippians 1:18c-19). He had learned to rejoice in the journey and realized that the journey was just as important as the destination.

What a lesson!

Enjoy your journey today! Smell a flower! Smile at a stranger! Gaze upon the clouds! Breathe in the earth after a rain! Hug a friend, relative, spouse, child a little longer today. And thank God for the journey.

PRAYER: Father, thank you! I guess it goes back to the Scripture that says not to think about tomorrow because tomorrow has enough trouble of its own! So I rejoice in the journey. Every portion of it is an opportunity to see and know You a little more! Yes, I will rejoice. In Yeshua’s Name! Amen!

Enjoy William Murphy and Nicole Binion as they proclaim along their journey, “I Will Rejoice” and be glad.

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  1. Ann Pimblott says:

    I agree with with you I have been a Christian 30 years and I am just learning to enjoy the moment instead of always looking toward tomorrow.