The Noise of Heaven

Turn your ear to heaven and hear
the noise inside
The sound of angels’ awe
The sound of angels’ songs
And all this for our King!

I know, I have quoted this song before by David Crowder, but every time I hear it I think of Ezekiel 1. Here’s Ezekiel, standing at the Kebar River early in the morning, no doubt spending time before God. Suddenly there is a windstorm from the north of Biblical proportions. Heaven appears like a panoramic HD movie screen with surround sound. I mean heaven takes up the expanse between earth and sky. Imagine standing at the ocean and seeing the horizon. From as far as you can see east to west and north to south is a picture that is in living color with the best acoustics you have ever heard. There’s the throne . . . and the image of God . . . and angels . . . and living creatures and so much movement . . . but it is rhythmic and synchronized and powerful and awesome! Even the movement of the angels’ wings was like “the roar of rushing waters, like the voice of the Almighty, like the tumult of an army” (Ez. 1:24). That’s how Ezekiel described the sound! There are the colors of glowing metal, burning coals of fire, brilliant lights, and a rainbow! And you know what Ezekiel did? He fell down! Face down! He got more than a glimpse of the heavenlies; he got a motion picture! His frail humanity could not handle it.

When the angels stopped moving, their rushing sounds ceased and a voice spoke above the expanse over their heads! It was the voice of God telling Ezekiel to stand up! He couldn’t! Then the Spirit of God went into him and raised him up! Then Ezekiel could hear and remember all that the Eternal One spoke to him.

Here’s the point — Heaven is filled with the cadences of worship and movement and activity and energy! But God will stop the movement long enough to speak to us so that we can hear Him! Then he will pick us up, put His Spirit into us that we might hear. His always moving, always talking, always working! When we encounter Him, He will let us hear Him speak.

How greatly you accommodate us, Holy One! Thank you!

“Turn your ear to heaven and hear
the noise inside”


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