Day #17

My exercise instructor told the class today that she would no longer be working at the gym beginning next week. Of course the class was a bit despondent, for she is energetic, encouraging, friendly, and very helpful. When I went into the locker room to change, I sat and thought about my time under her instruction. At first, I was not able to endure the entire Kwondo-Flex class, a mixture of karate, kickboxing and weights. I would participate in a portion of the class and then work out in another part of the gym. Now, I work out very hard. I stay for the entire class! This morning I even added 2 more pounds to one of the exercises. The same was true for her advanced step class. All I could think is that in the two years I have been with her, I had really developed my strength and endurance and lost a few inches to boot.
Nothing happens in the life of a believer by happenstance, not even encounters and relationships. If this is true, then we should make good use of these encounters. He gives us seasons with people. He brings them into our lives for a moment . . . and for a purpose! What is it that I can glean from this sister? How can I learn from that brother? What would you say to me through them, Father? Who can I bless today? It would be a travesty of God’s mercy to know that he sent a teacher, an encourager, a mentor, a model, a blessing into our lives, and we did not realize it until he/she was gone.

Abba, thank you for all those that you have sent into my life to bless me — the ones that I saw as a blessing from you and the ones that I did not. Thank you for even those who seemed bent on making my life miserable. By contrast, they helped to strengthen my walk with you. Thank you for the life lessons and for the growth! I ask that you would bless all of these of whom I speak! Bless them with your presence and with divine encounters! And Father, thank you for Robin, my exercise instructor. May she go on to strengthen and encourage others as you reciprocate that blessing to her through others. Amen.

Application: Appreciate the time you have with the ones God brings into your sphere of influence.


  1. Juanita, you have touched my heart with your positive comments and blessings. Know that you are also appreciated. Nobody can down from 8 the way you do. Seriously, I had tears in my eyes reading what you wrote.