We Are Thankful . . .

IMG_3503“Give thanks to the Lord for He is good, for His mercies endureth forever!” I (Psalm 136:1)

We are thankful….
that we live in a country which allows us civil and religious freedoms;
that we serve a God who is good;
that terrorists do not have the final word;

We are thankful….
for family and friends, jobs and co-workers;
for life, health and strength;
for the sure mercies of David upon all those who believe;

We are thankful….
because every day that we breathe we get to know His love, His mercy, His grace;
because 2000 years ago, the chasm between us and God was bridged;
because Yeshua gave us a promise of a life to come;

We are thankful….that we can count you among our blessings!

“In everything give thanks for this is the will of God concerning you” (1 Thessalonians 5:18).

May your thanksgiving abound with remembering these blessings as well! Happy Thanksgiving from our house to yours!

Concert with Baht Rivka Whitten

UnknownKingdom Life Messianic Congregation welcomes Messianic Jewish, Israeli-born BAHT RIVKA WHITTEN, an accomplished musician and worship leader. Her compelling music blesses the nations as she ministers at international conferences, convocations and outreaches around the globe. http://www.lazmanhazehmusic.com/videos/

Her husband GEORGE, anointed writer and speaker, will bring a fresh perspective on current events in the Middle East both politically and spiritually.

Come out to be blessed and enlightened through Word & Worship.

1280 Bells Mill Road, Chesapeake 23322
Saturday, November 14 — 10:30 A.M. – 12:30 P.M.

David & Juanita Weiss, Messianic Pastors
Shalom Overeecha (Peace & Blessings)

A freewill offering will be taken.

Torah Service

Torah Scroll Dedication Service

Torah Service

Pastors David & Juanita Weiss and the Kingdom Life Messianic Congregation invite you to our Torah Service. Shirley Lewis and Liane Ridley will be reading in Hebrew from the Torah Scroll, the beginning of Parashah “Vayera,” Genesis 18.  Pastor Connie MacDonald of New Temple Grove Ministries in Chesapeake will have the honor of carrying the Torah during our Torah Processional. Come! Let’s Celebrate Yeshua who gave His people the Torah and who has become for us the Living Torah.

Saturday, October 31, 10:30 A.M.
1280 Bells Mill Road, Chesapeake 23322

Hebraic-Rooted Yeshiva-Style Conference

78Discover Law & Grace through the eyes of an Orthodox Messianic Jewish Rabbi!

TOPIC:  “A City on Top of a Hill: From Moses to the Emissaries”

Friday, October 16, 7:00 – 9:00 p.m.
Saturday, October 17, 10:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.; 1:30 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Conference Speaker: Messianic Rabbi Itzhak Shapira (raised Orthodox and discovered Yeshua, his Jewish Messiah)
Head of Yeshivat Shuvu (an online Messianic Hebraic-centered seminary)images; author of Return of the Kosher Pig: The Divine Messiah in Jewish Thought

www.ahavatammi.org; www.kosherpig.org


(1280 Bells Mill Road, Chesapeake, VA 23322)

David & Juanita Weiss, Messianic Pastors

This Conference is FREE! A Freewill Offering will be taken each day. Lunch with donation provided on Saturday!

Celebrate the Biblical Feasts

feast-of-yom-kippur-1-638You are cordially invited to join Kingdom Life Messianic Congregation as we celebrate YOM KIPPUR (The Day of Atonement) on Tuesday, September 22nd at 7:00 P.M. and continuing on Wednesday, September 23rd beginning at 10:30 A.M.  Since Yom Kippur is a day of fasting, we will break the fast together at 5:00 P.M. on the 23rd.

If you have never celebrated it or have no idea what it is all about, come join us. You will be blessed. You will discover why Adonai said Yom Kippur is to be a lasting ordinance, not just for the Jewish people, but to those who have been grafted in as well. There will be worship, liturgy, prayers, teachings, shofar blowing, and great fellowship! SERVICES ARE FREE AND OPEN TO THE PUBLIC!

hqdefaultYou’re invited to a PRE-YOM KIPPUR CONCERT with MESSIANIC WORSHIP LEADER JIMMIE BLACK on Saturday, September 19, 10:30 A.M.  Messianic Worship Leader Jimmie Black is from Beit B’resheet, St. Louis, MO. THIS CONCERT IS FREE AND OPEN TO THE PUBLIC!

A freewill offering will be taken at the concert.

KLMC Welcomes Rabbi Kokeb Gedamu

IMG_3980 (1)The High Holy Days of Yom Teruah (The Feast of Trumpets) and Yom Kippur (The Day of Atonement) are quickly approaching. Kingdom Life Messianic Congregation will begin its celebration of Yeshua our Messiah during the Hebraic Festivals by welcoming Ethiopian Messianic Jewish Rabbi Kokeb Gedamu for a night and a day of breakthrough preaching  and deliverance prayers. Friday, September 11, 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. and Saturday, September 12, beginning at 10:30 a.m. You will not want to miss this dynamic preacher and man of faith who moves mightily in the power of the Holy Spirit! Come expecting miracles!!! 1280 Bells Mill Road, Chesapeake, VA 23322! We’ll see you there!


David Parsons Pic - FeastRev. David Parsons lives in Jerusalem and is the Media and Public Relations Director for the International Christian Embassy in Jerusalem (ICEJ). He is an attorney, writer, minister and Middle East specialist. We invite you to come and be informed about what God is doing in Israel.

  • He will be sharing with Kingdom Life Messianic Congregation on Saturday, July 25, 2015, 10:30 A.M.
    for Morning Service.
  • Then join us for a “Question & Answer” Session at 2:00 P.M. (Prepare all of your questions for Rev. Parsons.)
  • There will be a complimentary lunch after the morning service. You are cordially invited to join us.

This is a FREE event. A love offering will be collected.

Kingdom Life Messianic Congregation, 1280 Bells Mill Road, Chesapeake 23320: David & Juanita Weiss, Messianic Pastors


Installation 1Kingdom Life Messianic Congregation is ONE!!!! Join Messianic Pastors David & Juanita Weiss and the LKMC Mishpocha as we celebrate a Year of Victory! God has done abundantly above all that we asked or imagined! Share with us in a celebration through word and worship, dance and testimonials, fellowship and lunch, videos and a casting of vision for Year #2! Saturday, June 20 at our 10:30 service, 1280 Bells Mills Road, Chesapeake 23322.

“The sound of joyful shouting and salvation is in the tents of the righteous; The right hand of the LORD does valiantly” (Psalms 118:15)

Seminar on Biblical Worldview

UnknownHebrew & Greek Scholar, Dr. Skip Moen, Ph.D. from Oxford University, will be discussing BIBLICAL WORLDVIEW & HEBRAIC THINKING at a seminar in CHESAPEAKE on SUNDAY, MAY 17, 2015 at 1:00 p.m. The seminar is FREE; however, a freewill offering will be taken.

Is the way you see the world really through the lens of the Bible? Does your thinking have a Hebraic foundation, a Greek one, or is it Fear-Based?

Come out and discover how you REALLY see the world!

National Day of Prayer


National Day of Prayer, Prayer Vigil

Thursday, May 7, 2015
7:00 P.M.
Kingdom Life Messianic Congregation, 1280 Bells Mill Road, Chesapeake, VA 23322 — David & Juanita Weiss, Messianic Pastors

Join area pastors, rabbis, worship leaders, community leaders, military servicemen, businessmen, mothers, fathers, children and religious leaders as we join in prayer for the 7 Pillars of our Nation — Government, Military, Media, Business, Education, the Body of Messiah, and Family.