“AND GOD SAID . . .”

Ever thought about those words before? That phrase is used over ten times in the first chapter of Genesis. Half of those times, God said “Let there be” and it happened . . .

  • like light, (1:3);
  • like the waters gathering together (1:9).
  • and the earth bringing forth grass; (1:11, 12);

At other times, “God said, ‘Let there be . . .’ ” and then he proceeded to create. . .

  • like the firmament (1:6);
  • the sun and moon (1:15-17);
  • sea creatures and fowl (1:21-22);
  • land creatures (1:24-25);
  • and man ( 1:26-27).

The Hebrew word for “said” is amar. That word may not mean much to you, but it literally means “say,” “speak,” “say to oneself (think),” “intend,” “command,” “promise.”

All of that richness is implicit in the word amar. The word implies that God’s will is expressed in spoken words of command and intentionality. Those words are effective because He makes them so! Did you get that!? He has already shown us that from the beginning He makes His word good!

  • He watches over his word to perform it . . . to make it good (Jeremiah 1:12)
  • That’s why it CANNOT return to Him void . . . it WILL accomplish what He has sent it to do (Isaiah 55:11)

We can say bad things and inadvertently they come true, like self-fulfilling prophecies! But isn’t it our lot to emulate The Greatest Elocutionist of all time and say good things, holy things, GOD THINGS out of intention and watch them come true just because of the intentionality of our words. He has already told us that the power of life and death is in the tongue! (Proverbs 18:21) When will we get it?

That’s why James said that “Effectual, fervent prayer of the righteous avails much” (4:16) James got it!

  • So when you read “He heals all our diseases,” (Psalm 103:3) remember those are His words. They are effective! 
  • “You are more than a conqueror through Him who first loved you!” (Romans 8:37) His words. Effective! Why? He made them so.
  • “And all your children shall be taught of the LORD; and great shall be their peace.” They are His words! Effective! Yes indeed! Why? He made them so!

Yeshua tells His disciples this in John 14: 1-2 (Pay close attention to the bold-faced italicized words!): “Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God believe also in me. My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you?

The answer is a resounding “No!” Why? Because I would never tell you anything that I could not deliver, that I could not do! If I said it! It will happen! Because I will make it so!

Who wouldn’t serve a God like that!???!!

PRAYER: Abba, you are amazing! The more I think about you in the beginning (the beginning for us . . . for human history . . . certainly not Your beginning because You always were) . . . I marvel and grow more deeply in love with You! An Amazing Elocutionist who makes no promises that He knows he cannot deliver but who speaks a thing and then makes it happen. Not a politician trying to manipulate with false promises but a God, the only God, who can speak and it happens or who speaks and makes it happens! Only You have my affections, Abba! At a loss for words, I say it a third time, ‘YOU ARE AMAZING!” Make all of Your words SO in my life! Amen!