I’d like to encourage all believers today! We live in a time that is so pregnant with signs of the Lord‘s return. I know that every generation has said this — and has believed it! Paul even said it (that the Lord would return in his day) — and believed it! He went on to do some amazing things because he believed it!
THERE is the nugget of wisdom that you should take away from this exhortation!

  1. If you really believe that the Lord will come in our day, you will do great things.
  2. If you really believe it, you will believe that the things you do in the natural realm have direct, eternal consequences.
  3. If you believe it, you will tell everyone you know about the Love of Messiah Yeshua;
  4. If you really believe it, you will know that those without Him are doomed and dying;
  5. If you really believed it, you would know that the salvation of the Jewish people is so important to God‘s heart!
I do encourage you in your walk with the Lord — to make the most of your time with Him.

Father, help us to believe that your return is imminent and to work in that attitude! It will reap the greatest results for our lives and for the Kingdom!