If You’re Looking for the Gospel, It’s “Usually” Not in Contemporary Worship Music.

I recently read an article about today’s contemporary worship music. Have you noticed that most worship songs deal only with an aspect of the character of God — like his love, his beauty, his forgiveness, his sacrifice, etc… Very few of them speak of the whole counsel of God. In other words, the complete Gospel message is not presented in most contemporary worship music; they are usually one dimensional.

Go ahead. Think about it. Take a survey of songs.

This is not to suggest that any of those songs are bad; most of them are quite beautiful and anointed. However, they are incomplete when it comes to conveying the Gospel message.

Most hymns, however, contain the Gospel message, which is why some artists are remaking old hymns and Gospel songs, like Casting Crowns‘ remake of “Living He Loved Me.”

What are we to do with this information and revelation? For one, if you are worship leaders, make your selections well rounded. Sing a song about His love, one about His forgiveness, another about his sacrifice, another about His resurrection, another about the gift and work of the Spirit, and another of His return. Or sing whatever but end with a song that reflects the Gospel. There it is — the whole counsel.

As one good friend told me — contemporary worship music gives the preacher a prime opportunity to link a song about God’s love with the reason for His love. Or to tell why He is so amazing! Or why we have the same power that He had.

Preachers, ministers, evangelists, we have to ride this wave. This generation wants a lot of the “love” music. Let’s share with them the Evolution and Result of that love.

Here are two songs that reflect the Gospel: the first one is “In Christ Alone”:

The Second is “Living He Loved Me” by Casting Crowns:

PRAYER: Father, may we never be satisfied with a fragmented knowledge of your great love! May the music that you bless musicians to play, lyricists to write, and psalmists to sing only serve to inspire us to search the Scriptures, for in them we have eternal life! Thank you that nothing will ever be a substitute for the reading and preaching of your Word! In Yeshua‘s Name. Amen!