By Abazgrl — Weiss Ministries

“I cannot afford to have a thought in my head about myself that is not in God‘s heart about me.” — Bill Johnson

I don’t know about you, but based upon this amazing truth, I should be on my knees, repenting right now. And I do! I am! I have! When we are covered under the blood of Messiah, we are new creatures. I am so longer that degenerate creature I used to be. I am forgiven! I am seated with Messiah in heavenly places. I am redeemed. I am the righteousness of God in Messiah. I have been sealed with the Holy Spirit of Promise. I am a daughter of God! I am an overcomer . . . more than a conqueror. Not only me, but you are too. And the list goes on . . .

Here’s another truth that is just as convicting, but deeply healing:

“I cannot have my mind work against the will of God!” — Bill Johnson

That’s what happens when our thoughts are not God’s thoughts. Our minds work against the will of God in our lives. Do you understand what we have to do? While the Republicans and Democrats are arguing about who has won the battle over the budget and Planned Parenthood, we have people — yes even believers — whose homes are being foreclosed, who are being laid off, who have to debate between paying a bill or putting food on the table, who can’t afford the gas to get to work! Some are crumbling under the weight of their problems and they need US to tell them that God loves them . . . that the only sure footing in this world is Yeshua!

Father, forgive me for thinking that I was less than what you say I am. I repent! I take up this charge that you have given me to share your love with a dying world. I can only do it if I see myself the way you do. Help me to see myself and others with your eyes. In Yeshua’s Name. Amen.