What If Yeshua Had Not Come When He Did? (Part 3)

The question becomes, “What are the real consequences that He came in the first century?” As I stated, He knew that the moment in which he came was the greatest potential to produce a bride that encompassed as many people as statistically possible. Yeshua is the greatest Analyst! The best Statistician! The A #1 Strategist! And we are included in His strategy! Our birth was not a mistake! He knew that we would be born! He knew that we would go through what we had to go through — good, bad, or ugly — but in His foresight, He knew it! And just imagine, His coming prevented the least amount of evil per capita and brought about the greatest amount of good on this earth!

Some of you may not agree, but think about it! What would the world be without Him? Survival of the Fittest! People doing what is right in their own eyes. And the heart of God grieving!

What does this mean for us? Well, I think the church father Ignatius said it well — “The Glory of God is man fully alive”! But Yeshua said it better, “I have come that you might have life and have it to the full” (John 10:10). We must live out our destinies — lives teeming with the fullness of the life that comes from God. And when we do, it becomes contagious! People feel, see it, and want it! And we give it!

PRAYER: Yes, Father, your plans for us are good! Help me to grab the zest of life that you intended for me — really, for your own glory! I must live out the purpose of my life for which You came! Thank you for thinking of me and seeing the potential of a life lived in its fullness!


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